Tag: Proton

  • Proton Pass Desktop Application

    Earlier this month, Proton Pass released a new desktop application. I had written previously about using Proton Pass, and my only real gripe was: While the browser extension worked great in Firefox, I still like using Safari on macOS since it gives me a nice, consistent experience across my MacBook, iPhone, and iPad. While I…

  • Proton And Standard Notes Team Up

    I’m a little late to the party, but I was fairly pleased a couple of weeks ago to see news that Proton was teaming up with Standard Notes to expand the repertoire of the Proton suite. After initially starting off with just email, Proton first evolved to make itself a more fully featured communication suite…

  • Proton VPN With TP-Link AX3000

    I’ve been using a TP-Link Archer AX3000 router to power my home network for a couple of years now. I’ve been extremely pleased with the device, and it’s honestly exceeded all of my (admittedly low) expectations as far as consumer networking gear goes. That being said, once I got everything configured shortly after procuring the…

  • The Welcome Surprise Of Tech Companies Lowering Prices

    It’s 2024, so it means that basically every tech company on the planet is raising their prices for their services. As companies run into the fact that there is a limited number of consumers out there who are going to pay for subscription services, a shocking number of them have turned to raising subscription fees…

  • Protoniversary

    Hot on the heels of my swap to Proton Pass, I hit my Proton Anniversary a few days later. I received this lovely email in my inbox: Every year that someone is a Proton subscriber, they receive a storage bonus. As a Proton Unlimited subscriber, this means that I get a bonus 10 GB of…

  • Proton Pass

    I’ve been a fan of Proton Mail since shortly after the service started (back when it was called “Protonmail”). In fact, it was the topic of choice for the very first episode of the (long since defunct) Unusually Pink Podcast. In the intervening years, “Protonmail” has evolved into the Proton family of services, all with…