Tag: Neovim

  • Helix Editor

    Because I’m some kind of masochist, I frequently swap between editors when writing code. For the most part, that means swapping between established editors that I know and already have configured on my system because I feel like using a graphical editor today versus a terminal-based editor yesterday, etc. On rare occasions, though, I find…

  • Neovim Code Context

    Anyone unfortunate enough to listen to me talk about tech for more than a few moments will likely find out that I’m a big fan of Neovim. It may not always be the editor that I use, but it’s by far my favorite. While some people don’t like the idea of having to “fiddle” with…

  • Automatic Python Linting and Formatting in Neovim

    Outside of languages that more or less require a specific IDE (looking at you, Java), I typically prefer to write code in Neovim. It’s fast, it’s lean, and with a little bit of configuration to get an LSP running, it gives the exact same experience as something like VS Code but with much better editing…