Tag: Mastodon

  • Trying To Leave Microblogging

    On the whole, I tend to be fairly negative about social media. The only social media I’ve had without fail over the past decade is LinkedIn, and that’s only continued to exist because I treat it more as an online resume than a social network; I’ve never actually posted to my timeline on LinkedIn, and…

  • Mastodon Access Methods

    I recently saw a really interesting post on Mastodon with a poll asking in broad strokes how people access the service. The options were: The poll garnered a solid 5,363 votes in 48 hours. The breakdown was: It’s worth noting that since the poll was asking about the primary way users access the service, it…

  • Support Your Mastodon Instance… And Consider How

    Since the death of Twitter, a lot of folks have opted to use Mastodon instead. It’s hardly the only option, with things like Bluesky and Threads also being in the mix. I’ve been splitting my time between Mastodon and Bluesky (I’d highly recommend staying as far away from Threads as possible since anything associated with…

  • WordPress rel=”me” Link For Mastodon

    I’ve been a Mastodon user for many years now, though — as is commonly the case for me with respect to social media — I’ve deleted and created new accounts there many times over. One of the cool things about Mastodon, though, is the verification system. Rather than having you pay money, submit a form,…