Tag: JavaScript

  • VS Code Per Language Indentation

    As a general rule, when I write code I indent with spaces (not tabs) and use a tabstop of 4; these are configured as global settings in VS Code. I think it provides a pretty clear view of things without being overly wasteful of space; it still blows my mind that Vim’s default tabstop is…

  • Local JavaScript Development CORS Error

    I’ve recently been on something of a journey to more formalize my knowledge of frontend development. Most of my work has been in backend development, with just a bit of frontend when I needed to build a full stack application; even in those instances, I tried to mess with the interface as little as possible…

  • Speed Across Programming Languages

    Earlier today I was debating what programming language to use for a small, number-intensive project. I tend to use a variety of languages based around what the project is for and what constraints are in play. For example, most of my “freeform” work is usually in Python just because I like it the best. In…