Tag: Geeky Blinders
Geeky Blinders Glasses and Keychains
Geeky Blinder The WiFi Ninja continues to outdo himself. Shortly after creating our first buttons and stickers, he went above and beyond by creating even more awesome Geeky Blinders swag. There are now laser etched keychains and cocktail glasses! These turned out absurdly well. The cocktail glasses have the Geeky Blinders logo on one side…
Laser Etched Wooden Decals
We all had that one kid in class that did too much in a group project, right? The WiFi Ninja, founding member of The Geeky Blinders True to his word, founding Geeky Blinders member The WiFi Ninja quickly began to expand our “merch” that you can’t buy by using his local maker space (AKA his…