Tag: 1Password

  • Proton Pass Desktop Application

    Earlier this month, Proton Pass released a new desktop application. I had written previously about using Proton Pass, and my only real gripe was: While the browser extension worked great in Firefox, I still like using Safari on macOS since it gives me a nice, consistent experience across my MacBook, iPhone, and iPad. While I…

  • Proton Pass

    I’ve been a fan of Proton Mail since shortly after the service started (back when it was called “Protonmail”). In fact, it was the topic of choice for the very first episode of the (long since defunct) Unusually Pink Podcast. In the intervening years, “Protonmail” has evolved into the Proton family of services, all with…

  • Sign Git Commits With 1Password

    I recently decided to stop being lazy and digitally sign my git commits, at least for the ones I do on projects for work with my work laptop. This was something that had actually been in the back of my mind for a while, but I kept forgetting about it almost as soon as I…