Category: Technology

  • VS Code Settings

    As I’ve already mentioned several times before, I’m not exactly infatuated with Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code editor. It’s not bad — in fact from a feature perspective it offers more than most other editors — but the fact that it’s Electron-based and will spawn multiple V8 instances that gobble up memory as if it’s their…

  • Support Your Mastodon Instance… And Consider How

    Since the death of Twitter, a lot of folks have opted to use Mastodon instead. It’s hardly the only option, with things like Bluesky and Threads also being in the mix. I’ve been splitting my time between Mastodon and Bluesky (I’d highly recommend staying as far away from Threads as possible since anything associated with…

  • WordPress rel=”me” Link For Mastodon

    I’ve been a Mastodon user for many years now, though — as is commonly the case for me with respect to social media — I’ve deleted and created new accounts there many times over. One of the cool things about Mastodon, though, is the verification system. Rather than having you pay money, submit a form,…

  • Monaspace Font

    As a computer nerd, I spend a lot of time staring at text editors and terminal windows. As a result, I like them to be both pleasing to look at and easy to read… so I spend more time than I care to think about trying out different fonts and themes to make things both…

  • Automatic Python Linting and Formatting in Neovim

    Outside of languages that more or less require a specific IDE (looking at you, Java), I typically prefer to write code in Neovim. It’s fast, it’s lean, and with a little bit of configuration to get an LSP running, it gives the exact same experience as something like VS Code but with much better editing…

  • WordPress Stock Images Without Jetpack

    As I’ve mentioned a few times before, I’ve recently found myself back in the realm of managing some WordPress sites. One of the first things I typically do for a WordPress site is link it up with Jetpack for things like CDN, minification of CSS and JavaScript, etc. Overall, it does a great job of…

  • Create JAR File With IntelliJ

    I’ve recently been doing some work with Java and Groovy for the first time in a year and some change. I’ve historically done some random scripting in Groovy, but I’m now at the point where I’m making some libraries that I can use in other places and greatly simplify some areas of my (coding) life.…

  • Sign Git Commits With 1Password

    I recently decided to stop being lazy and digitally sign my git commits, at least for the ones I do on projects for work with my work laptop. This was something that had actually been in the back of my mind for a while, but I kept forgetting about it almost as soon as I…

  • Full Site Editing With WordPress Twenty Twenty-Four

    As I had mentioned in my inaugural post, I’ve recently been involved in WordPress again for the first time in a few years. Most of my previous theme work has been fairly pedestrian. For basically all of my previous sites I would simply design it to match the Dracula theme and call things complete from…

  • EasyWP PositiveSSL With External Domain

    Having recently dipped my toes into the world of WordPress once again, I needed to find where to a host a new WordPress site. WordPress hosting tends to be a bit tricky because it can easily become quite expensive if you don’t want to take on ownership of doing a WordPress install of your own…