Category: Technology

  • Create JAR File With IntelliJ

    I’ve recently been doing some work with Java and Groovy for the first time in a year and some change. I’ve historically done some random scripting in Groovy, but I’m now at the point where I’m making some libraries that I can use in other places and greatly simplify some areas of my (coding) life.…

  • Sign Git Commits With 1Password

    I recently decided to stop being lazy and digitally sign my git commits, at least for the ones I do on projects for work with my work laptop. This was something that had actually been in the back of my mind for a while, but I kept forgetting about it almost as soon as I…

  • Full Site Editing With WordPress Twenty Twenty-Four

    As I had mentioned in my inaugural post, I’ve recently been involved in WordPress again for the first time in a few years. Most of my previous theme work has been fairly pedestrian. For basically all of my previous sites I would simply design it to match the Dracula theme and call things complete from…

  • EasyWP PositiveSSL With External Domain

    Having recently dipped my toes into the world of WordPress once again, I needed to find where to a host a new WordPress site. WordPress hosting tends to be a bit tricky because it can easily become quite expensive if you don’t want to take on ownership of doing a WordPress install of your own…