Category: Technology

  • Proton Pass

    I’ve been a fan of Proton Mail since shortly after the service started (back when it was called “Protonmail”). In fact, it was the topic of choice for the very first episode of the (long since defunct) Unusually Pink Podcast. In the intervening years, “Protonmail” has evolved into the Proton family of services, all with…

  • You Should Seriously Consider Switching To Firefox

    It’s 2024, and every time I see someone sharing their screen during a call at work, they’re using Chrome as their web browser. Whether it’s someone in marketing, sales, engineering, development, or anything else in between, pretty much everyone is using Chrome. It’s actually a noteworthy event for me when I see someone using another…

  • Mastodon Access Methods

    I recently saw a really interesting post on Mastodon with a poll asking in broad strokes how people access the service. The options were: The poll garnered a solid 5,363 votes in 48 hours. The breakdown was: It’s worth noting that since the poll was asking about the primary way users access the service, it…

  • 2023 In Code From Wakatime

    A few years ago, after seeing someone mention it on Mastodon, I started using Wakatime to track my time coding. It’s a service that offers a plugin for basically any editor you could imagine, and it tracks metrics about what you do. What OS and editor you use, what projects you work on, what types…

  • VS Code Settings

    As I’ve already mentioned several times before, I’m not exactly infatuated with Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code editor. It’s not bad — in fact from a feature perspective it offers more than most other editors — but the fact that it’s Electron-based and will spawn multiple V8 instances that gobble up memory as if it’s their…

  • Support Your Mastodon Instance… And Consider How

    Since the death of Twitter, a lot of folks have opted to use Mastodon instead. It’s hardly the only option, with things like Bluesky and Threads also being in the mix. I’ve been splitting my time between Mastodon and Bluesky (I’d highly recommend staying as far away from Threads as possible since anything associated with…

  • WordPress rel=”me” Link For Mastodon

    I’ve been a Mastodon user for many years now, though — as is commonly the case for me with respect to social media — I’ve deleted and created new accounts there many times over. One of the cool things about Mastodon, though, is the verification system. Rather than having you pay money, submit a form,…

  • Monaspace Font

    As a computer nerd, I spend a lot of time staring at text editors and terminal windows. As a result, I like them to be both pleasing to look at and easy to read… so I spend more time than I care to think about trying out different fonts and themes to make things both…

  • Automatic Python Linting and Formatting in Neovim

    Outside of languages that more or less require a specific IDE (looking at you, Java), I typically prefer to write code in Neovim. It’s fast, it’s lean, and with a little bit of configuration to get an LSP running, it gives the exact same experience as something like VS Code but with much better editing…

  • WordPress Stock Images Without Jetpack

    As I’ve mentioned a few times before, I’ve recently found myself back in the realm of managing some WordPress sites. One of the first things I typically do for a WordPress site is link it up with Jetpack for things like CDN, minification of CSS and JavaScript, etc. Overall, it does a great job of…