Category: Technology

  • The Beauty Of The Apple Ecosystem

    I’ve been a card-carrying member of Team Apple™ for about 5 years now. In late 2019, I started a new job that offered me a choice of what device I’d like for my work. Having been frustrated with Windows clients and servers for a decade as an Active Directory systems administrator in a very large…

  • Speed Across Programming Languages

    Earlier today I was debating what programming language to use for a small, number-intensive project. I tend to use a variety of languages based around what the project is for and what constraints are in play. For example, most of my “freeform” work is usually in Python just because I like it the best. In…

  • Trying To Leave Microblogging

    On the whole, I tend to be fairly negative about social media. The only social media I’ve had without fail over the past decade is LinkedIn, and that’s only continued to exist because I treat it more as an online resume than a social network; I’ve never actually posted to my timeline on LinkedIn, and…

  • Neovim Code Context

    Anyone unfortunate enough to listen to me talk about tech for more than a few moments will likely find out that I’m a big fan of Neovim. It may not always be the editor that I use, but it’s by far my favorite. While some people don’t like the idea of having to “fiddle” with…

  • K8s And Harmless Traefik Ingress Logs

    While troubleshooting a recent Kubernetes issue, I ran across logs for Traefik which showed some errors. After much troubleshooting, the errors ended up being innocuous in my situation. Due to some of my inexperience with the internals of K8s, though, I didn’t realize this and was troubleshooting down the wrong path for quite some time.…

  • The Welcome Surprise Of Tech Companies Lowering Prices

    It’s 2024, so it means that basically every tech company on the planet is raising their prices for their services. As companies run into the fact that there is a limited number of consumers out there who are going to pay for subscription services, a shocking number of them have turned to raising subscription fees…

  • Only Run Puppet Resources If Service Exists

    I recently ran into a bit of a struggle configuring some infrastructure with Puppet. I created a module that manages .jar files on several servers, and I was in the process of expanding the amount of items that particular module applied to. My problem stemmed from the fact that I had a large number of…

  • Git Pull Unable To Fast-Forward

    git is a tool that’s likely a key part of any developer’s toolbox in 2024, but it’s also a very opaque tool. Many developers, myself included, know the basic commands they need to run for making commits, rebasing them, stashing changes, managing branches, etc. However, I know that I often have a poor grasp of…

  • Bluesky Access Methods

    Since I did a post on Mastodon access methods, I figured it only made sense to do a similar post for Bluesky. Bluesky hasn’t been around nearly as long as Mastodon, and as a result it’s far more limited with respect to 3rd party client options. However, as it recently dropped its invite-only status, user…

  • Protoniversary

    Hot on the heels of my swap to Proton Pass, I hit my Proton Anniversary a few days later. I received this lovely email in my inbox: Every year that someone is a Proton subscriber, they receive a storage bonus. As a Proton Unlimited subscriber, this means that I get a bonus 10 GB of…