Category: Technology

  • Local JavaScript Development CORS Error

    I’ve recently been on something of a journey to more formalize my knowledge of frontend development. Most of my work has been in backend development, with just a bit of frontend when I needed to build a full stack application; even in those instances, I tried to mess with the interface as little as possible…

  • Proton And Standard Notes Team Up

    I’m a little late to the party, but I was fairly pleased a couple of weeks ago to see news that Proton was teaming up with Standard Notes to expand the repertoire of the Proton suite. After initially starting off with just email, Proton first evolved to make itself a more fully featured communication suite…

  • Docker standard_init_linux.go Crash

    I recently found myself running into a strange yet silly problem deploying some code I wrote. The code was Python running in a container on a Cradlepoint router. It worked well for my manual testing, but would immediately crash on the Cradlepoint. Cradlepoints use Docker Swam as their container orchestrator under the hood rather than…

  • Fedora 40 Released

    Fedora 40 is now officially available! After spending more than a decade mainly using Debian-based distributions on my personal computers, I swapped to Fedora just a few weeks after the release of Fedora 36 after running into a series of issues trying to upgrade Pop!_OS. I’ve been extremely happy with Fedora so far and was…

  • Reconfiguring Vim

    As I’ve talked about plenty of times before, I tend to use a lot of different text editors when writing code. Lately, I’ve been using VS Code for most of my development needs, mixed with IntelliJ IDEA when I need to write Groovy code since I haven’t found literally any way to get half-decent Groovy…

  • Why Microsoft Teams Is So Annoying To Use

    In a move undoubtedly designed to quell any further antitrust complaints without actually making much of a significant impact, Microsoft recently announced that they were unbundling Teams from Office 365. New Office 365 subscriptions will not include Teams, though it will remain bundled for any existing customers… which is a lot of them. My first…

  • Jetpack Boost Cache Site Pages

    Like a lot of people who run sites on WordPress, I use Jetpack with my site to provide benefits like CDN and security. Having used WordPress sites without it before, I can say pretty confidently that not having a CDN can be an absolute nightmare when it comes to performance, especially when using a lower…

  • Proton VPN With TP-Link AX3000

    I’ve been using a TP-Link Archer AX3000 router to power my home network for a couple of years now. I’ve been extremely pleased with the device, and it’s honestly exceeded all of my (admittedly low) expectations as far as consumer networking gear goes. That being said, once I got everything configured shortly after procuring the…

  • Helix Editor

    Because I’m some kind of masochist, I frequently swap between editors when writing code. For the most part, that means swapping between established editors that I know and already have configured on my system because I feel like using a graphical editor today versus a terminal-based editor yesterday, etc. On rare occasions, though, I find…

  • IM Apps And Privacy

    Next month, my SO is heading on a cruise. I’m, unfortunately, going to be sitting at home wishing that I was on a cruise to the Caribbean rather than going. Since we’ll be apart for the duration, we’re obviously interested in having some means by which to communicate with one another while she’s on the…