Category: Technology

  • Removing Nodes From Open Source Puppet

    At work we leverage Puppet for management of our infrastructure. While tools like Ansible seem to get a lot more love in the industry due to things like being based on Python (Puppet is Ruby-based) and using YAML for its definitions (Puppet has its own DSL, or Domain Specific Language), it works extremely well for…

  • Why YouTube Is Better Than Udemy: Or How To Not Get Stuck In Tutorial Hell

    Anyone who works in tech knows that there’s always more stuff to learn. It’s a rapidly evolving area, and whether it’s new programming languages, new frameworks, new deployment methods, etc. new things are cropping up all the time. I work at a fairly small company, so we often need to adjust the technology we use…

  • Office 365: Clearing Mailbox Stops At 30 GB

    Recently at work, we needed to make a shared account for some API credentials to a service. Not wanting to tie them to any individual user, I thought we could create a new proxy address, assign it to a shared mailbox that all relevant people had access to, and sign up with that. I quickly…

  • Groovy FastStringService RuntimeException

    One of the systems I use at work is a Java-based SaaS platform. This platform makes itself extensible by allowing for custom scripting to be done on it via Groovy, a scripting language that runs on the JVM. This is a fairly common setup that I’ve seen on a variety of platforms over the years,…

  • Helm With K3s On Ubuntu

    I’ve recently needed to use Helm with K3s on Ubuntu. helm is a separate application from Kubernetes that uses the standard K8s APIs in order to interface with whatever Kubernetes cluster it’s pointed at. On Ubuntu, it’s not available via apt and must be installed as a Snap: Helm will typically source its connection URL…

  • Proton Pass Desktop Application

    Earlier this month, Proton Pass released a new desktop application. I had written previously about using Proton Pass, and my only real gripe was: While the browser extension worked great in Firefox, I still like using Safari on macOS since it gives me a nice, consistent experience across my MacBook, iPhone, and iPad. While I…

  • VS Code Live Server Extension

    I had recently written about using Python’s http package to create a web server for local web development. This works fine, but I was recently made away of an even simpler solution: VS Code’s Live Server extension. This extension, which has just shy of 50 million installs at the time of this writing, adds a…

  • macOS Autosave Information Stuck Vim Swap File

    I recently ran into a fairly weird issue in macOS. I somehow managed to have a Vim .swp file stuck in: For the uninitiated, every time you open a file in Vim (or a derivative, like Neovim in this case), it will create another file on the file system that has the same name as…

  • VS Code Per Language Indentation

    As a general rule, when I write code I indent with spaces (not tabs) and use a tabstop of 4; these are configured as global settings in VS Code. I think it provides a pretty clear view of things without being overly wasteful of space; it still blows my mind that Vim’s default tabstop is…

  • New iPads With Better Hardware… And It Still Doesn’t Matter

    Apple released new iPads this week, offering up an iPad Air with an M2 chip and a ridiculous iPad Pro with an M4 chip, something that doesn’t even exist in a Mac yet. This type of hardware is nothing short of ludicrous; I have a MacBook Pro with an M2 Pro processor in it that…