Category: Gaming

  • Wishlist: Apple TV Gaming

    As an Apple nerd, I regularly chat with my friends about things Apple is doing or that we wish Apple was doing. A recent thought of mine that I shared with the group seemed to resound with basically everyone, though: a gaming-centric version of the Apple TV. We’re already at a point where games in…

  • A Slight Chance Of Sawblades

    From my upbringing with the NES, GameBoy, and SNES to the depths of my World of Warcraft and League of Legends addictions, I’ve spent a lot of time playing video games throughout my life. After realizing that playing video games and being a functioning adult were mutually exclusive activities for me, though, I backed away…

  • Shattered Pixel Dungeon

    For the majority of my life, I’ve been a fairly die-hard gamer. From Street Fighter to Quake to Counter-Strike to StarCraft to World of Warcraft to League of Legends, I’ve played a lot of games, mostly in the arena of competitive games that I could basically play forever. Games I could play endlessly have been…