Category: Books
Goodreads 2024 In Books
With 2024 coming to a close, it’s time for the year-end wrap-ups that so many online services now send out. I’m always interested in comparing those year-over-year to see if I changed, improved (if relevant), etc., so here’s a look at my reading habits over 2024. The Goal As you may recall from last year,…
You Maybe Shouldn’t Be Wanting Book Subscriptions
I recently saw a post online that gave me a bit of pause: On one hand, I can totally get wanting something like this. Reading is expensive, and has only gotten worse in recent years as reading numbers are down while inflation is up. There’s tons of pressure on publishers to make more from less,…
2023 In Books
For many years, I’ve used Goodreads to track my reading, including well before they were owned by Amazon. As is typically the case for me, I’ve deleted and recreated my account there many times over the years, with the most recent being just a couple of years ago when I decided to recreate it and…