Geeky Blinders Buttons and Stickers

Hot on the heels of our laser etched wooden decals, we now have even more Geeky Blinders goodies. I happened to be lucky enough to spend some time with fellow Geeky Blinder The WiFi Ninja a few days ago, and he showed some of the new things he’s been working on. The first was a series of buttons, created with the help of his daughter. Someone needs to get her a flat cap!

This one is on the strap of my laptop bag. It looks great!

As is so often the case, though, my absolute favorite are the stickers he printed out. They aren’t vinyl since he did them himself on short notice, but I honestly think they turned out surprisingly well. I’m happy to now have one adorning the back of my work laptop.

Yes, those are stickers for SDF, Hatsune Miku, and Taylor Swift. Thanks for asking.

Look forward to more Geeky Blinders swag in the future!