Geeky Blinders At The Bleeding Edge Of The Apple Vision Pro

Some exciting news today in the world of the Geeky Blinders as member Nelson and (hopefully soon to be member) Mark were tapped for input on a ZDNET article about people planning to pre-order the Apple Vision Pro! Here are a few of their quotes:

Nelson Karrick, a network engineer, said, “The technology [Apple is] implementing could have a major impact outside of the Apple Vision Pro. I’m excited to see just how good the eye tracking is, because I think this could make its way to traditional computing as well. The current system of a trackpad or mouse works fine, but it could be a more natural feel to simply look at a screen in the future. This also carries a lot of weight for people with disabilities that may struggle to use a traditional mouse pointer.”

Mark McChesney, an IT leader, said, “My background is in technology. I am an early adopter. I purchased the first iPhone in [Washington] DC while on [a family vacation]. I like to explore and be on the cutting edge and I think the tech [in the Vision Pro] might end up being compelling.”

Karrick mentioned, “As this is a new product from Apple, there is a bit of ‘future nostalgia’ to it as well. Whether it is a complete flop or instant success, I think that 10 years from now people will seek these out as collectors’ items. This is probably the lesser of the reasons I am interested but does make an impact.”

McChesney noted he could see himself using Vision Pro like a computer. “I would do some creative work (photography, videography editing), communication (email, messaging, video conferencing, etc) and consumption (YouTube, streaming services, etc.),” he said. “The hype makes it seem like an experience where I can watch a video and discover ancillary data about the content, actors, etc. at the same time. [That’s] an example of something that would appeal to me.”

If you’d like to hear more of their expert thoughts on a wide range of Apple-related topics, be sure to check out the “An Apple a Day…” episode of the McC Wanders podcast. I know I’m personally looking forward to hearing their thoughts once devices start shipping on February 2nd.